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Image by Wes Hicks

Join us to end stigma and strengthen mental health.

Since the beginning of the COVID response, organizations from around the Southcoast have been working together to address the basic needs of area residents.  Mental Health is a critical need for all of us during these challenging times. Many of our broad-based coalition of providers and stakeholders are have come together to promote a campaign called Help & Hope Southcoast in an effort to End Stigma and Strengthen Mental Health.  If you and/or your organization or House of Faith would like to be listed as a partner in this effort, please complete the survey below.  Thank you for your consideration. 




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If you want to support someone who is struggling with mental health issues here are some ways you can support them.

  1. Listen. Take the time to listen and engage in conversation.

  2. Encourage and Support. Give them the encouragement they need to get or seek professional help.

  3. Stay in Touch. A simple call, text or email can go a long way. Stay in touch with the person who needs your help.

  4. Be Educated. If you know someone who is struggling with mental health issues take the time to learn more about it. Do some research and find where you can get them help.

  5. Be Patient and Caring. Understand that there will be difficult times and show them you are there for them.

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